Monday, October 27, 2008

Delvis Fernandez

Yes, I have facebooked, posted missions videos and newsletters. But I have been meaning to post my first official blog for a few months now. I never imagined that it would be about Delvis!

I remember the first time he came to church, as a ten year-old --- riding one of our buses. He was a handful on the way to church that day, so much that they threatened to bring him back home. He said, "I promise I'll be good!" And so he came and enjoyed every minute of it. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior! He then brought about a dozen friends with him to church over the next 6 weeks or so. Many of them also became followers of Jesus. Delvis then stayed faithful to church during his high school years. He was a regular helper of our Sunday Bus Ministry, bringing even more kids to the saving knowledge of Christ. He also became a great athlete, then a Marine reserve, and just recently a trainee for the Sarasota Police Department. What a testimony of a generous, caring person!

May God be glorified! I pray that more would come to Christ as a result of Delvis' testimony, and that we would all would strive to please God with our lives. May we love all those around us unconditionally -- just as Delvis did!

Revelations 14:13 Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord... that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.


KarenSarasota said...

I loved reading your story about Delvis. Could I copy it for his myspace & also for a book of memories I made for his mom? Please email me since I am not sure how this works., Thanks Karen

Jerry Kinman said...

Yes, Karen. Please feel free to copy my comments and use them however you would like. I really wanted to spend some time with
Delvis' family... (I was in the States for a few months) but wasn't able to do so. I hope that the book of memories will be a blessing to his mom and relatives. Thanks for doing that!

KarenSarasota said...

Hi Jerry, I tried to email you but it kept bouncing back. What is your email address? Thanks Karen